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Mohsen Ahadnejad Reveshty

Supervisor/ Advisor of Projects

Course: PhD
No. Student Date of Defence Field Topic Supervisor/ Advisor
17 Saeid Azadi _OCTOBER  2017Geography and Urban Planning The Explanation of the Spatial Distribution of Cancer Diseases in Urban Health Pattern: Case study of Tehran metropolitan   Advisor
16 Seyed Ahmad Hosseini _JULY  2016Geography and Urban Planning -   Advisor
15 taghi Heidari _MAY  2016Geography and Urban Planning -   Advisor
14 razieh teimouri _FEBRUARY  2016Geography and Urban Planning Eco structural Modeling of Urban Green Space Development;    Advisor
13 Mehdi Mohammadi _OCTOBER  2017Geography and Urban Planning Assessment of urban area resiliency with risk reduction approach in natural hazards against-( earthquake) case study: Zanjan city   SuperVisor
12 Fatemeh Babai _JANUARY  2017- -   Advisor
11 Shadali Tohidloo _JULY  2017- Analysis of strategies for agricultural development of Iran   Advisor
10 Ali Moafi Rabari _FEBRUARY  2018Natural Resources Engineering-Watershed Management Investigating the possibility of urban runoff harvesting and locating the suitable sites to store it (A Case Study: Zanjan City)   Advisor
9 Safieh Hazeri September  2018Geography and urban Planning Expressing of City Prosperity Strategy Via future study Approach Case study : Tabriz Metropolis   SuperVisor
8 Vahid Yargoli December  2018Geography and Urban Planning Explaining of Livability bUrban Development Pattern ( A case study Zanjan)   SuperVisor
7 hossein Tahmasbi October  2021Geography of Urban Planning Explaining Social Resilience Against The Covid 19 Pandemic With An Emphasis On Urban Health )Case study: Zanjan city 
6 Saeid Najafi July  2021Geography of Urban Planning Explanation Management Activists of Urban Problematic Settlements Textual with a Linguistic Approach (Case Study: Islamabad Neighborhood, City of Zanjan)   SuperVisor
5 Heidar Salehi September  2021Geography of Urban Planning Explaining the foresight model of urban housing management Case Study: Isfahan Metropolis   SuperVisor
4 Maryam Hajizadeh September  2021Geography of Urban Planning Discourse Analysis of Urban Land Policies in Space Production, 1300-1397; Case study: Tehran metropolis   SuperVisor
3 Mohammad Rasouli November  2021Geography of Urban Planning -   SuperVisor
2 Milad hasanalizadeh July  2023Geography and Urban Planning Explaining the happy city model in Iran (case study: Babol city)   SuperVisor
1 Ebrahim Sharifzadeh April  2023Geography and Urban Planning Development of institutional capital in line with sustainable ecotourism and providing planning based on environmental changes in the horizon of 2036 (case study of Lake Urmia)   Advisor

Course: M.Sc
No. Student Date of Defence Field Topic Supervisor/ Advisor
191 Mehdi Azari February  2012Geography and Urban Planning The Modeling of Urban physical growth using Cellular Automata(A case study Marageh city)   SuperVisor
190 Masoud Heidarian June  2010Geography and Urban Planning The analysis of the inequality in the distribution of cultural services , A with social justice approch using GIS   SuperVisor
189 Karim Jalili October  2011Geography and Urban planning The Optimal Allocation of Temporary Shelters Sites for Earthquake Injured in Urban Areas Using Multiple Criteria Techniques and GIS(A case Study Zanjan city)   SuperVisor
188 Siamak Foroghi October  2010Geography and urban Planning The Evaluation of urban social vulnerability in earthquake against using GIS(a case study Zanjan city)    SuperVisor
187 Abbas Nazari September  2010Geography and Urban Planning The Assessment of Earthquake Effects in New Urban Aspects Formation    SuperVisor
186 Shahnaz Jalilpour February  2011Geography and urban Planning The Evaluation of urban Physical vulnerability in earthquake against using GIS(a case study Khoy city)   SuperVisor
185 Sajaad Zangishei October  2010Geography and urban Planning Pathology interventions in organizing and restoring the city of Kermanshah fabric (case study Faizabad district)   SuperVisor
184 Fatemeh Sadegi February  2011Geography and rural planning The Evaluation and Monitoring of Agricultural cadastral Map change using GIS (case study: Revesht bozorg )   SuperVisor
183 Mohammd Alizadeh February  2005Msc 4) The assessment land supply in cities and effect in city development   Advisor
182 Vahdat Mirzaii February  2011Geography and urban Planning Evaluation of government's role in physical growth of cities change with an emphasis on executive functions, case study    SuperVisor
181 Maryam Abdollahi February  2005Msc Crime Preventions through urban Land use Planning in Zanjan City   Advisor
180 Mohammad Ahmadvand February  2011Climatology in Environmental Planning The assessment of climate on wheat cultivation in Hamedan Province   SuperVisor
179 Monsour Azizi February  2005Msc 2) Application of GIS in location and allocation hospital in Mahabad City   Advisor
178 Rohollah Hassani October  2011 The Allocation of buried hazardous wastes, especially industrial and environmental approach using GIS   SuperVisor
177 Mohammad Shafiey November  2004Remote sensing & GIS 1) Application of remote sensing data in assessment and modeling of land use and land cover changes in Gazvin plain   Advisor
176 Naim Karami July  2012Uran Design The Evaluation of Landuse Effect on transport (case study zanjan Fabric area))   SuperVisor
175 Ali Reza Bengar March  2006Geography And Urban Planning Location Allocation on perimery aducation with use of GIS   Advisor
174 Ali Fathalibeigi September  2011Geograph and Urban Planning Environmental assessment of urban growth, with emphasis on changes of agricultural land to urban areas (A case study: Zanjan)   SuperVisor
173 Mohammad Rahmani October  2005Remote Sensing and GIS The Zonation of Earthquake risk with use of GIS and RS   Advisor
172 Akbar Masommi September  2005جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی شهری The role of industerial in spatial reveloation of Abhar   Advisor
171 Manochehr Iranpanah September  2005Msc Of Geography and Urban planning Functional and Structural indication of informal settlements -Case Study Mahabad city   Advisor
170 Bahramali Khodaii December  2005Msc Of Geography and Rural planning The Spatial Organization Of rural Settlements   Advisor
169 Behrooz Akbarpour February  2004Msc Of Geography and climatologhy The Flood Hazard Zonation with use of GIS   Advisor
168 Jabrail Bageri March  2007Msc of urban geography The Assessment of Urban Green Space Change in urban sprawls -case study Tabriz City   Advisor
167 Massood Alaii November  2006Msc of urban geography The Organization of informal settlements with emphasis to Rehabilitation-case study Saggez City   Advisor
166 Esmail shiri March  2006Msc of urban geography The exposure pattern for urban green space optimum allocation with use of GIS-Case Study Zanjan City   Advisor
165 Mahtab Zolgadr March  2006Msc of urban geography The assessment of urban land use change in fabric texture -case study zanjan fabric area   Advisor
164 Taleb Abassi September  2006Remote Sensing The Evaluation of land use and land cover change trend in Sofichay basin   Advisor
163 mosa Kallashi July  2007Msc of urban geography The Quantities assessment of urban land use with use of GIS -Case study Zanjan City   Advisor
162 Amir Shahali July  2007Msc of urban geography The Optimum allocation of house rubbish with use of GIS-case study Zanjan City    Advisor
161 abdollah heidari July  2007Msc of urban geography The Allocation of primary school with use of GIS and fuzzy logic-case study Zanjan City   Advisor
160 Batol Nori December  2007Msc of urban geography The urban land use vulnerability Mitigation in earthquake against-case study zanjan city    Advisor
159 Akram Tafakori November  2007Msc of urban geography The analysis and forecasting urban house need –case study zanjan city   Advisor
158 Yosef Shafii September  2007Msc of urban geography The Optimum Organization and Allocation of Health area with use of GIS   Advisor
157 Mehdi Mollazadeh May  2008Msc of urban geography The assessment of physical expanding of Marand City and effect on land use changes   Advisor
156 Ali Taromi December  2008Msc of urban geography The poverty measurment with use of GIS   Advisor
155 Amirashaieri February  2008Msc Of Geography and climatologhy The Hydro climatologically assessment of Lavin basin    Advisor
154 parvaneh Safari November  2007Msc of urban geography The role of government policy in urban physical expanding with emphasis to land use change.   Advisor
153 Asgar Azizi December  2007Msc of urban geography The Evaluation and organization urban green space with use of GIS   Advisor
152 jafar Kordloo November  2007 Crime Preventions through urban Land use Planning in Abhar City   Advisor
151 Navid kasaiian February  2007Msc of physical geography The Climatological and statistical drought Analysis in Gilan province   Advisor
150 Fataneh Gehidari October  2007Msc of urban geography The role of informal settlements in urban expanding    Advisor
149 Azadeh Medhat November  2007Environmental engineering The Optimization of Collection and Portage Urban rubbish with use of GIS –case study Zanjan City   Advisor
148 Khadijeh Galin Mogadam September  2008Msc Of Geography and Rural planning Repopulation ability of forest area and present planning guidelines with emphasis on rural planning –case study JanatRodbar   Advisor
147 October  2008 The Effective Devotion in urban genesis and physical expanding-case study Geidar city   Advisor
146 Abolfazl Mehmannavaz January  2009Msc Of Geography and Rural planning The possibility of Tourism Development in rural area –case study Sarein District   Advisor
145 Maryam Moradi October  2008Msc Of Geography and Urban planning The Urban Spatial Expanding and effects on surrounded land use change trends –case Study Sari City   Advisor
144 Rahimeh Norian October  2008Msc Of Geography and Urban planning The Measurement of Urban Quarters Vulnerability in against earthquake and Mitigation with use OF GIS-Case Study GayemShahr City   Advisor
143 Hamideh Dizaji October  2008Msc Of Geography and Rural planning The Effective of Alavian Dam Construction on cultivate change pattern and agricultural incomes –Case Study Revesht Bozorg Village Agricultural Lands.   Advisor
142 Ayoob Shirkalaii March  2009Msc Of Geography and Urban planning The Measurement of Urban Sprawls and Effects on land use change in south coastal area of Caspian Sea   Advisor
141 hakimeh Ganbari October  2008Msc Of Geography and Urban planning The Allocation of Urban Quarters Parking with use of GIS   Advisor
140 Esmail Zormand March  2009Msc Of Geography and Urban planning The possibility of informal settlements rehabilitation in Mahabad City   Advisor
139 Shamsollah Kazemi October  2008Geography and Urban Planning The optimum Allocation of Fire extinguish station with use of GIS    Advisor
138 fatemeh Lotfi January  2009Msc Of Geography and Urban planning The structural and Functional market (Bazaar) evolutions in recent era –Zanjan Old Bazaar    Advisor
137 Parisa Haji Malayeri October  2008Msc Of Geography and Urban planning The Effective Devotion in urban genesis and physical expanding-case study Malayer city   Advisor
136 Hamid Akbari October  2008Msc Of Geography and climatologhy The possibility of Climatologically conditions for Olive Cultivation in Kermanshah Province    Advisor
135 Sabrieh Abbasi   2009Geography and Urban Planning (effect of government policy in urban land use change trend(case study sannadaj city   Advisor
134 Ghamar Abbasi   2009Geography and Urban Planning The justise distribution and how to establish training centers using GIS   Advisor
133 Mehdi Panahi   2009Geography and Urban Planning Land use change assessment of urban development with emphasis on physical expansion (case study: Kermanshah between 1986-2006   Advisor
132 Razieh Teimouri   2009Geography and Urban Planning The evaluation of urban park spatial suitability using GIS   Advisor
131 Mosa Rastegar   2009Geography and Urban Planning Locate optimum model for sports spaces using GIS   Advisor
130 Fahimeh Farhadi February  2011Geography and Urban Planning The Crisis management in the urban fabric area( case study: Khoramabad   Advisor
129 Masomeh Mogadam   2009Geography and Urban Planning Land use changes in the assessment of transportation planning within the city using artificial neural networks   Advisor
128 Masomeh Foroghi   2009Climatologhy Azarbayjan Airports allocate with emphasis on climate ground elements   Advisor
127 Hamideh Karimi September  2010Climatology in Environmental Planning The Monitoring of vegetation cover changes in Kordesatn province using Modis Data   Advisor
126 Leila Saboor June  2011Climatology in Environmental Planning The Monitoring of snow cover changes in Azarbaijan province using Modis Data   Advisor
125 Javad Masomi October  2010Geography and rural planning Rural health post detention Landfill site selection using GIS    Advisor
124 Ali Zanganeh February  2011Geography and urban Planning Understanding the spatial pattern of urban poverty using GIS, a case study of Kermanshah during 1996-2006)   Advisor
123 Farideh Sorodi February  2011Geography and rural planning The role of planning systems on rural physical structural    Advisor
122 Mina Mirian December  2010Climatology in Environmental Planning Feasibility of pistachio cultivation regions in Zanjan   Advisor
121 Leila Ostavar February  2011Geography and urban Planning Evaluation of the compatibility between land use and urban functions(A case study 3 district of Tabriz Municipality )   Advisor
120 Jamal Amini July  2010Geography and urban Planning he Modeling of urban seismic vulnerability   Advisor
119 Taghi Heidari March  2010Geography and urban Planning The Planning for urban land recycling( A case study Zanjan city)   Advisor
118 Mohammad Rezai October  2010Geography and urban Planning The role of local and regional markets in urban physical development(A case Study Marivan city)   Advisor
117 Nastaran Vosoghi September  2010Environmental Planning Evaluation of land use to establish ecotourism approach with multiple criteria decision making (AHP) in the area of geographic information systems (GIS)   Advisor
116 Shokroallh Zarei December  2011Geography and Urban Planning The Assessment of Optimum distribution of healthcare services using GIS( A case study Firozabad city)    Advisor
115 Mina Zamani July  2010Geography and Urban Planning The Pathology of distribution and allocating pattern of urban Land use( A case study distribution of high school in zanjan city)   Advisor
114 Soghra Soltani February  2012Climatology The synoptic analysis of heavy precipitation in Northwest of Iran   Advisor
113 Mina Farokhi February  2012Geography and Urban Planning The Measuring of Urban expansion and effect on land use change using multi-temporal satellite imagery and DPSIR model( A case study uremia city)   Advisor
112 Leila Ahmadi February  2012 Brownfield urban development with emphasis on density and land use change case study: Zanjan city   SuperVisor
111 Mohammad Javad Norozi February  2012Geography and urban Planning The Assessment of urban physical vulnerability on earthquake against using GIS   SuperVisor
110 Hossein Shokripour October  2011 The Optimization model for integrated management of urban construction of knowledge-based urban planning process(a case study zanjan)   SuperVisor
109 Hamid Mohammadi July  2012Geography and Urban Planning The Evaluation of urban physical growth and effect on land use changes using multi-temporal satellite imagery and GIS(A case study Khormadareh city)   Advisor
108 Shahram Abazarlou November  2011Geography and Urban planning Optimization of municipal solid waste landfill located using a geographic information system GIS (A case Jolfa free zone)   Advisor
107 Ali Zolfi November  2011Geography and Urban Planning Ecological indicators for urban sustainable development impacts the feasibility of optimal development of urban areas using multiple criteria evaluation and GIS(A case Jolfa free zone)   Advisor
106 Ali Eshghi January  2012Geography and Urban Planning The assessment of urban seismic vulnerability using Fuzzy and AHP models(A case study Teheran 3 district area)   Advisor
105 Hadi Targolizadeh March  2012Remote Sensing and GIS The estimation of Urban housing damages in earthquake using multi-temporal satellite imagery and GIS (A case Study Bam City)   Advisor
104 Mahtab Mansouri February  2012Climatologhy The Precipitation Fluctuations effect on wheat yield (A case study Kermanshah province)   Advisor
103 Nasrin Ghaderi October  2012 Study and evaluation of agricultural development in the district of Paveh    Advisor
102 Kobra Pourmoradi March  2012Climatology The Assessment of drought effect on vegetation cover using MODIS data( A case study Azerbaijan region)   Advisor
101 Ehsan Rezaei March  2013Climatology The aanalysis and Prediction of wet days in Iran using artificial neural network   Advisor
100 Leila Vosogirad December  2012Geography and Tourism Planning The Clima-Tourism of Aras free zone using Network analysis and AHP   Advisor
99 Heidar Salehi November  2012Geography and Tourism Planning Thesis topic Spatial analysis of tourism elements in urban area using network analysis( A case study Zanjan City)   SuperVisor
98 Behzad Moradi March  2013Geography and Urban Planning The assessment of Urban old fabric area improvement with emphasis on crisis management approach (A case study Zanjan old fabric area)   SuperVisor
97 Mina Akbari March  2013Geography and Tourism Planning Assessment of ecological potential for ecotourism development with emphasis on geomorphic phenomena(A case study Taleghan Area)   Advisor
96 Mortaza Karami November  2012Geography and Tourism Planning The desirability of tourist access to urban services and welfare in Iranian cities(A case study Tabriz city)   Advisor
95 Ahmad Hosseini September  2012Geography And Urban Planning The assessment of Urban networks role in Land use distribution with passive defense approach   SuperVisor
94 Mansoreh Mirzaiipour December  2012Geography and Urban Planning The Evaluation of urban densities changes using GIS( A case study Zanjan city)   SuperVisor
93 Ayob Gaderi December  2012Geography and Urban Planning Evaluation of urban land use change, with emphasis on the role of border exchange( A case study: Baneh city)   SuperVisor
92 Zivar Alipour December  2012Geography and Urban Planning The qualities and quantities evaluation of urban land use using GIS( A case study zanjan city)   SuperVisor
91 Javad Kamelifar December  2012Geography and Urban Planning The assessment of urban network vulnerability in earthquake against with crisis management approach( a case study Tabriz city)   SuperVisor
90 Azita Bayat September  2013Geography and Urban Planning The assessment of balance check of urban forecasted land use in urban master plan( a case study zanjan)   SuperVisor
89 Jafar Khanmohammadi March  2013 Database preparation and performance of irrigation systems using GIS (A Case Study Moghan Irrigation Network )   Advisor
88 Somaieh Alipour September  2013Geography and Urban Planning Evaluation of dealing policies with informal settlements focus on destruction and clearness the policies (Case Study: Islamabad Region, Karaj City)   SuperVisor
87 Somaieh Mohammadi September  2013Geography and Urban Planning ssessing the appropriateness of the spatial distribution of urban population with a social justice approach using GIS (Case Study:guidance schools of Miandouab city))   SuperVisor
86 Negar Tavasol September  2013regional planning The assessment of industrial role on physical development of urban regions( A case study Ablorz industrial city in 1968-2013)   SuperVisor
85 Hadiseh Gheisari September  2013Urban Planning The assessment and modeling of multipurpose centers for earthquake crisis management in urban old fabric area using GIS( A case study Kermanshah old fabric area)   SuperVisor
84 Afshin Naderi September  2013Geography and Urban Planning The Assessment of Physical and Social aspects of Housing quality using multi-criteria evaluation and GIS( A case study Ardabil)    SuperVisor
83 Malihe Rahmani September  2013Remote Sensing The Monitoring of vegetation changes using MODIS data(A case study Zanjan Province)   SuperVisor
82 Shahrokh Zadvali September  2013Geography and Urban Planning Assessment of cellular movement of physical and social indices in the slum areas(A Case Study: Tabriz northern Slums)   Advisor
81 Nezam Lotfi September  2013Geography and Urban Planning The analysis and assessment of hierarchical structure of urban system in Kurdistan. Years 1996-2006-2011   Advisor
80 ٍEbrahim Shahrifzadeh October  2013Urban Planning Assessment of participatory management in the optimal management of urban areas. (Case Study: City piranshahr)   Advisor
79 Mohmamadreza Mokhtari October  2013 estimation of water requirement of olive terees using satellite remote sensing data (case study tarom in zanjan)   Advisor
78 Mohammad Ahadnejad November  2013Geography and Urban Planning The Assessment and Forcasting of Urban physcial growth and effects on land use changes ( a case study Bonab city)    SuperVisor
77 Hamed Nazarpouri January  2014Geography and Urban planning The assessment of urban of fabric physical vulnerability on earthquake against with crisis management approach(a case study Bourojerd old fabric area    SuperVisor
76 Mostafa Hedaiatnejad January  2014Geography and Urban Planning The assessment ald allocation of waste disposal sites in the northern areas of land using a AHP model Case Study: sGhaemshahr    Advisor
75 ebrahim sadeghi February  2014geography and Tourism Planning The assessment of spatial changes of urban tourism elements (A case study in Ardabil 1981-2012   SuperVisor
74 Khosrou Ahmadimoghadam February  2014Geography and Urban planning The assessment of urban physical growth trend relation to its surrounding areas using Shannon entropy models and GIS (Case Study Bukan 1984-2012)   SuperVisor
73 Nasrin Nari January  2014Geography and Urban planning The assessment spatial distribution and allocation of Nursery centers in Zanjan city using GIS with social justice approach    SuperVisor
72 Neda Mohammadi February  2014Urban Design The assessment of physical growth with emphasis on surrounding region changes (a case study: zanjan urban protected area)    SuperVisor
71 Seyed Mohammad FardHoseini February  2014Regional Planning Investigate the causes of migration of rural - urbanin Elamout-Bala distict in Qazvin province during 1956-2011   SuperVisor
70 Abdollah Khodavandi February  2014Geography and Urban planning The assessment of physical growth and its effect on land use change using multi-temporal satellite data and GIS(a case study shiraz 1991-2012)   SuperVisor
69 Somaieh Feyzi March  2014Tourism Planning The Assessment of urban tourism with emphasis on optimal distribution and grading of tourism infrastructure (Case Study: City NEYSHABUR)   SuperVisor
68 Maniya Ebrahimzadeh February  2014Tourism Planning The Allocation of Traditional festivals sites using GIS. Study: city Roudbar   SuperVisor
67 Sara Asadi February  2014Tourism Planning Evaluate the effectiveness of various advertising and marketing patterns of tourism demand, tourism groups, with emphasis on urban tourism. Case Study: Tabriz.   SuperVisor
66 Mohammad Hasan Nazari July  2014Geography and Urban planning The assessment of urban physical vulnerability in earthquake against( A case study Abhar)   SuperVisor
65 Saeid Najafi October  2014Geography and Urban Planning A comparative study of quality of life of informal settlement neighborhoods and planned(Case Study: Zanjan City : Islamabad and Karmandan neiborhoods)   SuperVisor
64 Seraj Mohammadi September  2014Geography and Urban Planning Analysis of localization health centers (hospital) based on passive defense in Zanjan   SuperVisor
63 Fatemeh Vafaii October  2014Geography and Urban Planning Assessing the effects of land use and population distribution in urban traffic (A Case Study of Sanandaj)   SuperVisor
62 Hojat Mohammadi Torkamani October  2014Geography and Urban Planning The assessment of urban Social vulnerability in earthquake against using GIS (Case Study 1 municipality area of Tabriz)   SuperVisor
61 Nargaes Rostami October  2014Geography and Urban Planning The Evaluation and Allocation of Bijar city elementary schools using GIS   SuperVisor
60 Sedigeh Soltani December  2014Geography and urban planning An comparative evaluation of citizen participation in urban management (case study neighborhoods Bisim and Atmadyh neighborhoods, City of zanjan   SuperVisor
59 Ghasem Mohammdi Paskohani January  2015Geography and Urban Planning The assessment of necessary or unnecessary for Mehr housing in small towns (Case Gheidar   SuperVisor
58 Sadat Motamedi February  2015Geography and Urban Planning The assessment and analysis of border market role in urban land and housing prices( a case study: Baneh city 1996-2013)    SuperVisor
57 Marzieh Maleki February  2015Geography and Urban Planning (rs in informal settlements from 1996 to 2011 (Case Safarabad, Sari Branch   SuperVisor
56 Paria Soheili February  2015Tourism Planning assessment of tourism elements distribution in urban areas (Case Study:Kermanshah city    SuperVisor
55 Jalal Ghodsi March  2015Geography and Urban Planning Analysis of urban green space spatial distribution approach to achieving justice and sustainable urban development (case study Zanjan city)   SuperVisor
54 Zahra Ghasemi March  2015Geography and uran planning The assessment of humanist Cities based on physical parameters, (Case study: Karmadan district, Zanjan city)   SuperVisor
53 Vafa Mehdizad April  2015Geography and urban planning The assessment of brownfield development in old fabric areas with an emphasis on urban density and land use (Case study: old fabric area of Sanandaj city the period 2006-2011)   SuperVisor
52 Sahen Karimi June  2015Geography and Urban planning The comparative assessment of the quality of life in formal and informal urban fabrics (A case of Mubarak and Abbas Abad neighborhoods, Sanndaj city)   SuperVisor
51 Abdolghader Zohrian _OCTOBER  2015Geography and Urban Planning The assessment and Analysis of broder market roles in quality of life(a case study baneh city)   SuperVisor
50 Valiollah Askari _OCTOBER  2015Geography and Urban Planning The Assessment of improving rural to urban and its effects on quality of life (A case Study Sohrevard city)   SuperVisor
49 Yadollad Jamshidi _OCTOBER  2015Geography and Urban Planning The assessment Quality of life in small-sized cities(A case study Abbar city)   SuperVisor
48 Fatemeh Heidari _SEPTEMBER  2015Geography and Urban Planning Unofficial trade (smuggling) and its role in security / insecurity of citizens residing in border areas (Case Study border city of Marivan)   SuperVisor
47 Zeinab Teimouri _OCTOBER  2015Tourism Planning The Assessment of health tourism and the development of strategies (A case study foreign tourism in Tabriz)   SuperVisor
46 Jamal omid _SEPTEMBER  2015 Urban Planning anning for the development of small-sized cities and their role in advancing the development of East Azarbaijan Province (A Case Study of Kalibar)   SuperVisor
45 Nader Jahedi _SEPTEMBER  2015Remote Sensing Daily monitoring of forest fires using data from the MODIS (A case study Iran-Iraq )   SuperVisor
44 AmirHossein Valibeiglou _SEPTEMBER  2015Urban Planning The assessment vulnerability of urban networks against natural hazards with emphasis on earthquake (Case Study: Zanjan 3 municipality district)   SuperVisor
43 Abolfazl Soltani _JANUARY  2016Geography and Urban Planning The Assessment role of social capital in urban management ( A case study Karmandan and Islama   SuperVisor
42 Hossein Nejadkheir _JANUARY  2016regional Planning The assessment effect of subsidiary settlements around the city of Qazvin and its role in decentralization (the case study city Alborz)   SuperVisor
41 Elnaz Ranjdar _MARCH  2016Geography and Urban Planning Brownfield development of urban old fabric area with emphasis on land use changes and density (Sheshgelan neighborhood of Tabriz)   SuperVisor
40 Mina Jafari _MARCH  2016Geography and Urban Planning The assessment of redevelopment in central part of cities with an emphasis on quality of life( a case study : Zanjan city inner area )   SuperVisor
39 Azam Ghorbani _MARCH  2016Geography and Urban Planning The Measuring inequality in urban areas based on travel agents to attract and production using multi-criteria decision (Case study Zanjanurban areas)   SuperVisor
38 Azam Bighdeli _MARCH  2016Tourism Planning Assessment and feasibility of urban tourism development with creative tourism approach: A Case Study in Zanjan   SuperVisor
37 Seyedeh Monireh Hosseini _MARCH  2016Geography and Urban Planning The assessment of spatial - temporal urban green spaces using GIS with emphasis on the neighborhood parks (Case Study: Shiraz 3rd District)   SuperVisor
36 Saied Khazaeii _MARCH  2016Geography and Urban Planning The Measuring and assessment quality of life indexes in Islamshahr city   SuperVisor
35 Sirous Shamsnia _JULY  2016Urban Planning Evaluate the performance of municipalities using data envelopment analysis(Case study:khoy city)   SuperVisor
34 Seyed Sadegh Zamani Sani _JULY  2015Urban Planning Prioritizing the quality scales of urban life in moderate body cities (Case of study: Marand)   SuperVisor
33 Navid Kamali _SEPTEMBER  2016Tourism Planning Identification and standardization of indicators of e-tourism services (Case Study Mashhad)   SuperVisor
32 Maryam Esmaili _OCTOBER  2016Geography and Urban planning The Comparative assessment of quality of urban housing in old and new fabrices in Zanjan   SuperVisor
31 Ali Zare _NOVEMBER  2016Geography and Urban planning -   SuperVisor
30 Mojtaba Kazemi _FEBRUARY  2017Urban Planning The effects ofcitizens behavior in order to achieve sustainable development of urban green space, (Case Behshahr   SuperVisor
29 Milad Ghadimi _FEBRUARY  2017Geography and Urban Planning The assessment of physical, economic and social index changes in informal settlements areas (A case Study : Bisim,Zanjan)   SuperVisor
28 Ali Moradi _FEBRUARY  2017Geography and Urban Planning The Comparative assessment the quality of life in small-sized cities (A case Study :Dandi)   SuperVisor
27 Zahra Fathi _FEBRUARY  2017Geography and Urban Planning Comparative assessment of urban social resilience against earthquakes (Case Study: Karmandan and Islamabad Zanjan)   SuperVisor
26 Atefeh Saffari _FEBRUARY  2017Geography and Urban Planning assessment of citizen participation in urban topics with an emphasis on the toll renewal (Case Study of Zanjan)   SuperVisor
25 Sara Hajmiri _FEBRUARY  2017Urban Design -   SuperVisor
24 hossein Naderi _SEPTEMBER  2016 جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی روستایی   Advisor
23 Hossein Karimi _SEPTEMBER  2017Geography and Urban Planning Evaluation of the Realization of Creative City with Urban Planning Approach Case Study of Zanjan City   SuperVisor
22 Mortaza Nourafkan _SEPTEMBER  2017Geography and Urban Planning The Simulation of Urban growth using neural network and cellular automata in order to sustainable development( A case study Zanjan)   SuperVisor
21 Mahdieh Gharadaghi _SEPTEMBER  2017Tourism Planning Evaluation of the role of leisure-tourism complex of Persian Gulf lake martyrs in order to achieve sustainable urban development in Tehran   SuperVisor
20 Fariba rezaeii _OCTOBER  2017Geography and Urban Planning -   SuperVisor
19 Fatemeh Shami _OCTOBER  2017Geography and Urban Planning -   SuperVisor
18 Hossein Khoeini _SEPTEMBER  2017Regional Planning -   SuperVisor
17 Hossein Tahmasebi _DECEMBER  2017Geography and Urban Planning Spatial analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators of housing in urban areas with sustainable housing approach (Case study: City of Zanjan)   SuperVisor
16 Zahra Pakzad _DECEMBER  2017Geography and Tourism Palnning Evaluation of physical, social and economic factors affecting the satisfaction of tourists from service complexes - Tourism route: Case study of Bufeh complex (Qazvin)   SuperVisor
15 Elmira Hashemi _FEBRUARY  2018Tourism Planning Investigating the Status of Infrastructure of Electronic Tourism Services of Tabriz City for Tabriz Horizon 2018   SuperVisor
14 Saeid Moharami September  2018Geography and urban Planning Recreation of Historical Context with Urban Tourism Approach (Case Study - Historical Context of Zanjan City)   SuperVisor
13 Mohammad Sadegh Aziz September  2018Geography and urban Planning Feasibility Study on the Development of Pocket Parks with Citizen Participation Approach (Case Study - Zibashahr City and Amir Kabir Town of Zanjan)   SuperVisor
12 Mohammad Reza Bighdeli February  2021 -   SuperVisor
11 Amirhossein Sheikhmohammadi October  2021Geography of Urban Planning The Spatial analysis of smart growth indicators in urban areas (Case study of Zanjan)   SuperVisor
10 Ehsan Gholami October  2021Geography of Urban Planning The Assessment of quality of life in informal settlements of the cities ( A case Study :Hosseinabad neighborhood of Abhar city)    SuperVisor
9 poya alizadeh September  2022Tourism planning Investigation of creative tourism indicators in the economic development of Meshgin Shahr tourist city (case study of Meshgin Shahr tourist city)   SuperVisor
8 samaneh ghozalian September  2022Geography and Urban Planning Analysis of key factors affecting urban prosperity with an emphasis on infrastructure development (case study: Zanjan city)   SuperVisor
7 elaheh kavandi September  2022Geography and Urban Planning Evaluation and measurement of urban prosperity indices (CPI) in Zanjan city with emphasis on environmental sustainability   SuperVisor
6 elham taghiloo September  2022Tourism planning Evaluating the effects of the quality of experience on the behavioral tendencies of tourists in visiting dark tourism destinations   SuperVisor
5 samira mohamadi February  2023Geography and Urban Planning Evaluating the social resilience of small towns against pandemic diseases (case study: Abar city)   SuperVisor
4 parvaneh idehlooii February  2023Geography and Urban Planning Comparative analysis of the effects of lifestyle on the spatial distribution of the covid-19 pandemic (case study: Islamabad neighborhoods and karmandan of Zanjan city)   SuperVisor
3 Milad Gahramani July  2023Tourism planning Comparative comparison of the status of competitiveness components of health tourism destinations (case study: Sarab city)   SuperVisor
2 Fatemeh Moradi October  2023Geography and Urban Planning Spatial distribution analysis of non-profit schools with social justice approach (Case study: Zanjan urban non-profit schools)   SuperVisor
1 nilofar amini September  2023Geography and Urban Planning Evaluation of urban public spaces with the approach of child-friendly city with emphasis on places to spend leisure time, case study: Shahrak e Karmandan Zanjan   SuperVisor

Course: B.Sc
No. Student Date of Defence Field Topic Supervisor/ Advisor
24 Maryam Ojaghlou August  2013Geography and Urban Planning Assessemet of Qualitative housing development with emphasis on Mehr housing   SuperVisor
23 Maryam Yousefi Basery July  2013Geography and urban planning Comparison of Adaptive of social quality of Mehr housing    SuperVisor
22 Fatemeh Nasiri August  2013Geography and Urban Planning The assessment of accessibility to educational service in Mehr Housing   SuperVisor
21 Fereshteh Khaiati July  2013Geography and Urban Planning Assessment of physical indicators of urban quality life in Zanjan city   SuperVisor
20 Azam Ghorbani July  2013Geography and Urban Planning The assessment of master plan with emphasis on service and sport land use distribution    SuperVisor
19 Mahdieh Keshavarzi August  2013Geography and Urban Planning Urban Physical Growth and effects on land use changes(A case study Qazvin 1998-2011)   SuperVisor
18 Hafez Ebdali May  2014Geography and Urban Planning The Allocation of urban solid waste using GIS( A case study Tabriz county)    SuperVisor
17 Roghaeh Fallah Barandagh March  2014Geography and Urban Planning The Assessment of urban physical growth and its role in land use change( A case study Ardabil 1986-2013)   SuperVisor
16 Mahmoud Seidilou April  2014Geography and Urban Planning The Assessment of urban physical growth with emphasis on agricultural land protection using Geographic Techniques' ( A case study RobatKarim 1986-2013)   SuperVisor
15 Mohammad Reza Beigdeli March  2014Geography and Urban Planning The Assessment of urban physical growth and roles in Land use changes ( A case study Hamadan 1986-2013)   SuperVisor
14 Hadi Khani April  2014Geography and Urban Planning The Assessment of Qom city physical growth using multi-temporal satellite imagery and forecasting land use changes using Cellular Automata at 1986-2020 periods   SuperVisor
13 Akram dosti yekta _OCTOBER  2016Geography and Urban Planning -   SuperVisor
12 Robab Rajabi _JULY  2017Geography and Urban Planning -   SuperVisor
11 Razieh Fallah _JULY  2017Geography and Urban Planning -   SuperVisor
10 Elanaz Shabani _JULY  2017Geography and Urban Planning -   SuperVisor
9 Zahra Abbasi _JULY  2017Geography and Urban Planning -   SuperVisor
8 Mohadeseh Nasiri _JULY  2017Geography and Urban Planning -   SuperVisor
7 Rizan Egbali _JULY  2017Geography and Urban Planning -   SuperVisor
6 Neda Mohajeri _JUNE  2017Geography and Urban Planning -   SuperVisor
5 Bahram Ahmadi _JUNE  2017Geography and Urban Planning -   SuperVisor
4 Arezo Allah Moradi _JUNE  2017Geography and Urban Planning -   SuperVisor
3 Mohammad Tavakoli _JUNE  2017Geography and Urban Planning -   SuperVisor
2 Kolsom Zareh _JUNE  2017Geography and Urban Planning -   SuperVisor
1 Fatemeh Taherabadi _JUNE  2017Geography and Urban Planning -   SuperVisor



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